Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who is Ayman and Kenji? [and what are they reviewing?]

Who is Ayman?
Ayman Is a Nigerian Guy. He does Martial Arts, He loves Manga and Video games and Basically anything to do with Japan.

Upcoming Reviews from Ayman:
monster hunter tri [wii]
super smash brother brawl [wii]
donkey kong country returns [wii]
kirby's epic yarn [wii]
fire emblem: radiant dawn [wii]

Who is Kenji?
Kenji is a Filipino Guy. He makes Video, writes lyrics and poetry. He also Loves Video games and Manga along with sushi.

Upcoming Reviews from Kenji:
GameBook Adventures 1: An Assassin in Orlandes [Iphone and Ipod touch]
Game Book Adventures 2: The Siege of the Necromancer [Iphone and Ipod Touch]
Helsing's Fire [Iphone and Ipod Touch]
League of evil [Iphone and Ipod Touch]
Persona 3 Portable [PSP]

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